Monday, February 14, 2011

The First Post!

Hey Everyone! Welcome To the first post for my brand spankin' new weather blog.  Other than brief moments on facebook (can I type that here without being sued?) , this is my first intentional post on the internet.  I am doing this because I am very passionate about the weather and I love to tell people about it.  This will probably help with my relationship with my girlfriend as well, as she wont have to listen to me so much anymore.

I know that people from every part of the weather spectrum will view, and hopefully post, on the blog.  My only reason for doing this is to bring together the best stories, experiences, and information from all walks of weather life.  I myself do not possess any sort of degree or certification in meteorology so please don't take anything too seriously.  I might get a little anxious at times (those of you who know me know what Im talking about) but don't worry, I will get over it eventually.  Please feel free to offer any expertise, comments, or any other other info that you feel is worthy of a post.

As for the main topic of discussion on the blog, I will try to post some sort of  blurb about the weather somewhere in the world every day, but will mostly consist of things going on in the U.S.  As most of us know, these days the weather seems to be increasingly hostile, with heavier precipitation, stronger winds, and more destruction than ever before.  There has never been a better time to be aware of the forces around you.

Please have fun with the blog and keep things polite as there is no room for "internet fighting" here.  I hope to hear from everyone and share some amazing experiences!  Thanks Everyone!


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Photo: Matt Sauerbrey 8.11.07