Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Alright, so I am starting to figure out exactly what a blog is.  I thought it was going to be more of a discussion type of atmosphere or something like that.  I guess thats what a forum style setup would be for.  I don't know... I'm new at this.  I have a goal.  My goal is to try to get some awesome weather experiences and as much information to as many people as possible.  I would also like to see 1,000 page views so please help out!

The proverbial "off-season" for weather seems to no longer exist.  This time of the year used to be know for a more settled pattern.  Not any more.  It literally seems like yesterday that the local and national "weather man" was telling us that the storm of the century was on its way.  That's because it was yesterday.  It seems as though every weather event has more of an impact than the one before it. Of course, it may only appear that way due to everything from the rising population=bigger impact theory to greater mass media coverage. This blog contains no bias as all great meteorologists maintain that no single weather event can be attributed to climate change.

I will do my best to cover as many significant events as possible.  I hope everyone enjoys the blog.  Please comment as everything is read.  I'm sure I will figure out more about the blog setup in the coming days and weeks so check back often as it will be updated frequently!



  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/strangeblaze/3057685512/sizes/l/in/photostream/

  2. I remember that. That is the on that stripped the leaves off of all the trees in SLP. Keep sending pics. I will try to find a way to upload them on the main blog.



Photo: Matt Sauerbrey 8.11.07