Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another Day 2 Moderate Risk For Severe Weather Issued by SPC.

The SPC in Norman, OK has issued yet another moderate risk for the day 2 period.  These outlooks are fairly rare, only averaging about 10 issued every year.  This is the 2nd issued in the last 4 days and unfortunately it will affect many of the same areas as Thursday's storms.  The setup for Sunday's storm looks to be very similar to that of Thursday's event.  There is still some uncertainty as to when and what type of storms will develop first.  The atmosphere will remain "capped"  over parts of Eastern Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas which means warm air aloft will inhibit some storm development early in the period.  The storms are again expected to merge in to a single line along the frontal boundary/dry line and move across the middle Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys with damaging winds likely and tornadoes possible with any embedded supercell storms.  Stay tuned to later forcasts and updates on this potentially dangerous situation.


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Photo: Matt Sauerbrey 8.11.07