Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stormy day for the entire eastern seaboard.

Virtually the entire eastern seaboard will see precipitation throughout the day.  Persistant rain will dominate from Florida to New England with many areas under flood watches and warnings at this time.  Snow will continue north of there with some areas recieving more than a foot locally.  This storm will stretch from border to border as it slowly move east off of the coast.  Yet another storm is organizing in the mountain west with watches and advisories in place.  The stormy March that was predicted seems to be verifying with deadly consequeces already.  The storm to the west will intensify in the next 48 hours bringing heavy rain and snow to the country's mid section.  The exact track is still uncertain but it apears that the heaviest snow will fall to the South and East of the Twin Cities area with amounts in excess of 8 inches possible.  Stay tuned to future updates on this possible winter storm.

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Photo: Matt Sauerbrey 8.11.07